
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday Winners

Hello everyone! Alica here with Saturday Winners.
Congrats to all our winners and enjoy your weekend!
  • A Gem of a Challenge - 2W - Winners : Chrissyxx  Top 3 : Liselot, Kat W, Elaine  (week 2)
  • Allsorts - W - Winners: Tracey, Susan   Top 5: Sandra, Cebelica, Kat, Kath, Min
  • Artist Trading Post Exchange - M - (winner posted in second half of the month) Winner: nothing posted since August
  • CAS(E) this Sketch! - W -  Winner: Diane Jaquay  Favorites:Lisa, Wendy C, Joanne James, Kim S Honorable Mentions:  Beverley, Sherrie M, Je@net, Jane Knudsen
  • Catch The Bug - W - Winners:  Leeann, Beebeebabs, Tina 
  • Challenge Up Your Life - 2W - Winner: Julia Altermann Top 3:  Marina, Birka, Tanja Kewel-Neef  (week 2)
  • Crafting with Dragonflies - 2W (Winners posted week after new challenge) – Top 3: o TBA (week 2)
  • Crafty Calendar - M –  September - Winner : Dawn Frost  Top 3 : Tones Scrappermom, Just Christine's Creations, Natascha's Blog
  • Crafty Catz - W –  Winner: Min Hobby Verden Top 3 : Paper Whims, Red Obsession Cards, Lisbeth
  • Crafty Friends Challenge 2W  - Winners: Vivi Casale   Top 3:  Teresa, Estha, Emily Shroon (week 2)
  • Crafty Hazelnut's - W - Winners : Lisa Lynn, Melissa Sunshine Honeybee, Jose, Rosina
  • Di's Digi Designs - 2W - Digi use winner: Card-D-elicious  Top 3:  Alison B, Kleido, Marlene   Prize winner:  Sarah P (week 2)
  • DoubleClick Skittles Challenge 2W (Winners M 4th Saturday of the month) - Winner: Chriss
  • Inkspirational - 2W - Winner : Maaike, Michele, Nicole (week 1)
  • Kit and Clowder - M- (First Saturday of the Month) - must sign in to see the winners 
  • Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps - W - Winner : one winner per month
  • Less Is More - W -  ShowCASe Lynne, Laurie, Rachel
  • Little Claire's - M - (winners posted mid-month) September - Winner : Teresa, Top 3: Tracy, Pippa, Tanya
  • My Sheri Crafts - 2W - Challenge GDT Winner : -  Ooo-La-La Winners : TBA (week 1)
  • Penny Black Saturday - M - September - Winners: Amy Marshall
  • Retro Sketches - W - Rockstar : Bruno Shout Outs : no names by the images, check blog - posting winners randomly
  • SanDee & Ameilie's Steampunk - M  - Prize Winner : Sabine, Lucyna, Irmgard Top 3 : Toni, mayoori, Irina, Max, Julia Kissel
  • Scrapper's Delights M, (First Saturday of Month) September Winner: Carol Gill  Top 3: Yvonne L, Aunt Sue's Craft Cavern, jackie cornfield
  • Scrapping Everyday Miracles - M - September Winners : Toni Herron  Top 3: Giorgia Rossini, Toni Herron, Toni Herron, Granmargaret
  • Send a Smile 4 Kids - 2W, winners posted week after new challenge - Winners : Sherry, Vicky, Diane  Top  3 :  Sharon, Janelle, Lillian  (week 1)
  • Shopping Our Stash - W - Top 3 : Annie, Maura, Susan
  • Sketch Saturday - W - Winner : Neva Cole  Top 3 : Barbara, Carol G, Leeann
  • Speedy & Friends - W - Winner : Hannah Lewis
  • The Paper Players - W - Headliner : Lisa Pretto   A Cut Above : Leslie, Jules, Kathie, Shraddha, Deanne, Crystal, Shannon, Jan, Cindi
  • The Pencil Blog 2W - Prizes:  Anne, Vanessa  Top 3: TMD, Ronda, KT Fit Kitty (week 2)

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